Don’t Gamble With Your Man and Van...Come to the Professionals.


man and van service ‘Man and Van’: it’s a British institution, but unfortunately, that tag has also often come with a fair few negative connotations. Decades ago a man and his van in London were a pillar of the local community. They were respected and revered for their humble charms but now, the name is more associated with untidy cowboys than anything else. Removal Van Hire are working hard to reinstate the good name of the man and van service in London, so if you want to take advantage of our professional and affordable services, call us on Call Now! today.

There are a number of reasons why people would want a man and van, but for years now people have been afraid to turn to the small ads for fear of what they might get. As a result, until recently you have been forced to go to the bigger companies with vehicles no suited for the job and prices which are far in advance of what you would have hoped to pay for even the simplest of tasks.

This is why we looked at our fleet of professional, modern vans for hire in London and thought we could bring it back. We were certain that there was still a market for this service, and people were crying out for a man and van in the capital so we gave it a shot and sure enough, we were right.

There are still landlords who need furniture moving around between their properties. Perhaps you are one of them and you would like a little hand in rearranging a few things. All our team members have extensive moving experience and can help you get things changed around in a matter of moments for a fraction of the cost of a full removal company.

There are people who need their small removals to be performed in a safe, professional and extremely quick manner. We strive to secure the best rates when it comes to moving both home or office, saving you money on and more importantly, getting that your stuff to the new place when YOU say so, not when someone else finds it convenient.

removal companies When you look around your home or your neighborhood there are plenty of things which you might feel would benefit from an extra pair of hands and someone to help haul away what’s left, and don’t forget, this man and van service isn’t just available to residents. If you are a business who need a little bit of help, however long it may be for, whether it is to run deliveries for you or to help you clean up before or after a big renovations project, you no longer need to spend a small fortune, you just need to call Call Now!.

For the last thirty years, the good name of the man and van has been in decline. Now, Removal Van Hire has brought it back and it is stronger than ever, so if you need a rental van in London and want it to come with a pair of helping hands, look no further and call us today on Call Now!, for the very best service in the capital.